
Underwater exploration, system’s management and maintenance, and research. At the tip of your fingertips.


Underwater exploration, system’s management and maintenance, and research. At the tip of your fingertips. There is no doubt that Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) are one of the most important underwater tools in today’s world. However, their proper maneuvering requires extensive training and is restricted by proprietary software.

The ExpROVer software will allow people from a myriad of backgrounds to easily operate the VideoRay Pro 4 (VP4).

  • It will be a free, open-source software, easy to modify and tailor to your needs
  • It will feature several smart functionalities not present in any other competing software, like obstacles’ detection and objects’ recognition, and well as several semi-autonomous pre-programmed movements
  • It will support several devices and platforms, such as Linux and Android, without requiring these devices to be connected to the VP4’s umbilical cord (unlike the VP4’s shipping software, VideoRay Cockpit, which is only executable on a Windows computer directly connected to the VP4)

Video Overview


Wirelessly monitor and control your ROV, from any device of your choice.


Android and web applications enable remote control from a wide range of possible devices.


Configure your ROV to have higher autonomy, by executing various semi-autonomous maneuvers, all while avoiding obstacles!


Easily monitor fish farms, through the built-in object detection and recognition systems, capable of identifying and classifying fish species.


Finally, all code is open-source - easy to tinker with, and add support for other functionalities and/or peripherals specific to your needs!

The System At A Glance

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